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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Warm Up for 2-22-13

1. What were the Texan complaints against the Tejanos?  What were the Tejano complaints against the Texans?

2. What attracted settlers to Oregon?

3. What should the United States do to acquire Texas?
  A. Let the Texans fight their revolution and win their independence, and then annex Texas.
  B. Make an alliance with the Texans, go to war against Mexico and take both Texas and the Mexican          Cession area.
  C. End the rebellion by offering to purchase Texas from Mexico.
  D. Issue a stern warning to Mexico to either cede Texas to the United States or risk going to war.

Summary Terms for Chapter 15

  • Manifest Destiny
  • Diplomacy
  • Louisiana
  • Florida
  • Texas
  • Annexation
  • Oregon
  • Mexican Cession
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Warm Up for 2-26-13

1. Describe the 3/5ths Compromise. (pg 112)

2. Describe the event that started the war with Mexico. (pg 206)

3. What did the United States capture that resulted in the end of the war? (pg 207-208)

4. What were the terms of the treaty that ended the war? (pg 208)

Warm Up for 2-25-13

1. Describe the compromise the United States and Britain reached regarding the Oregon Territory. (pg 205)

2. Which two things resulted in war with Mexico? (pg 206)

3. Why did the United States purchase a strip of land south of the Mexican Cession area? (pg 208)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Warm Up for 2-21-13

1. Why was the United States interested in the Louisiana Territory? (pg 198)

2. What should the United States do to acquire Florida?
   A. Since Jackson had already seized Florida, declare war on Spain immediately.
   B. Negotiate a purchase price for both Florida and Texas.
   C. Demand that Spain, already vulnerable, give us Florida or risk going to war with the United States.
   D. Apologize to Spain and wait for the time to negotiate when the price is right.
*Explain why you think this is the best selection.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Study Guide for Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Study Guide by

Concept Map for Written Response #13

Chapter 14 Writtten Response Map (#13)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Summary Terms for Chapter 14

  1. Jacksonian Democracy
  2. Kitchen Cabinet
  3. Spoils System
  4. Nullification Crisis
  5. Bank War
  6. Indian policy

Warm Up for 2-12-13

1. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

2. Why did Henry Clay force the issue of the Bank's recharter 4 years early? (pg 191)

3. What was Jackson's Indian policy? (pg 192)

4. Why were the 5 southern tribes labeled the "Civilized Tribes?" (pg 192)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Chapter 14 Notes (14.4-14.7)

Chapter 14 Notes (14.4-14.7)

Warm Up for 2-11-13

1. What is the Constitution?

2. What does the term "Jacksonian Democracy" refer to? (pg 188)

3. Why were the southern states so opposed to the tariffs of 1828 and 1832? (pg 190)

4. Why was Jackson so opposed to the National Bank? (pg 191)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Warm Up for 2-8-13

1. Which types of Americans were not thrilled about Jackson becoming president? (185)

2. Why was the Election of 1828 considered to be the first modern election?

3. Why were there three times as many voters in election of 1828 than in the election of 1824? (pg 186)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Compass Homework

Compass homework is due Wednesday, February 13; complete everything in the folder marked "Shi Huangdi"

Monday, February 4, 2013

Concept Map for Written Response #12

Don't forget to refer to page 179 to answer how capitalism developed in the legal system...
Chapter 13 Written Response (#12)

Warm Up for 2-4-13

1. What did all three authors discussed in class have in common?

2. Specifically, what did J.F. Cooper write about?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Update for 2-4-13 through 2-6-13

Monday 2-4-13: Concept Map for written response #12, Summary, Study Guide
Tuesday 2-5-13: Study Guide review, Jeopardy review
Wednesday 2-6-13: Chapter 13 Test, Everything Due;
  • Chapter 13 notes
  • summary
  • definitions
  • study guide
  • warm ups
  • written response #12
  • Chapter 13 Test

Summary Terms for Chapter 13

  1. Stereogtypes
  2. Economic Nationalism (Capitalism)
  3. Judicial Nationalism
  4. Era of Good Feelings
  5. Art
  6. Music
  7. Literature

Friday, February 1, 2013

Warm Up for 2-1-13

1. Name the three steps to Clay's American System.

2. What did the decisions of Marshall's court strengthen?

3. What became the most popular form of entertainment by the early 19th century? (pg 181)

Warm Up for 1-31-13

1. As part of Clay's American System, what was the purpose of creating the Second National Bank? (pg 178)

2. How did Chief Justice John Marshall's decision in Gibbons V. Ogden encourage the growth of capitalism?
(pg 179)