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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Warm Up for 3-28-13

1. What were the three steps to the Anaconda Plan? (pg 308)

2. What became clear to the North after the Battle of Bull Run? (pg 309)

3. Why did Lee decide to invade the North at the Battle of Antietam? (pg 310)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Warm Up for 3-27-13

1. Why did southerners feel they had the right to secede? (pg 303)

2. What were the strengths of the North? (pg 304)

3. What were the strengths of the South? (pg 305)

Definitions for Chapter 22

  1. Emancipation
  2. Draft
  3. Habeas Corpus

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Summary Terms for Chapter 21

  • Missouri Compromise
  • Compromise of 1850
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act
  • Dred Scott Decision
  • Secession

Update for 3-20-13 through 3-26-13

Wednesday 3-20-13: Finish Chapter 21 notes, review, finish summary and study guides
Thursday 3-21-13: Concept map for written response #16
Friday 3-22-13: Minimum day, Finish summaries and study guides, review study guides
Monday 3-25-13: Surveys in library, Jeopardy review
Tuesday 3-26-13: Chapter 21 test; everything due
  • Definitions
  • Chapter 21 notes
  • Study guides
  • Warm Ups (5)
  • Written Response #16
  • Summaries
  • Chapter 21 Test

Concept Map for Written Response #16

Chapter 21 Concept Map by Stephanie Robinson

Chapter 21 Notes

Chapter 21 Notes (21.1-21.5)

Warm Up for 3-19-13

1. How did the North view John Brown after his raid at Harper's Ferry? (pg 299)

2. What did the results of the Election of 1860 mean for the South? (pg 299)

3. What was Lincoln not willing to compromise on regarding slavery? (pg 300)

4. Which incident started the Civil War? (pg 300)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Warm Up for 3-18-13

1. Describe the Kansas-Nebraska Act. (pg 293-294)

2. What were the two major decisions reached in the Dred Scott Case? (pg 297)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Warm Up for 3-14-13

1. Describe the compromise that was reached regarding Missouri. (288)

2. What was the "Gag Rule?" (289)

3. How did southerners compare helping slaves escape? (290)

Warm Up for 3-13-13

1. What is the main job of the legislative branch? (121)

2. When did the problems associated with slavery first become an issue? (285)

3. What was the unspoken agreement in Congress regarding the admission of new states? (286)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Warm Up for 3-7-13

1. Describe the Virginia Plan. (pg 109)

2. Describe the social class system in the South. (pg 264)

3. Why did so many Irish immigrants emigrate to the United States? (pg 266)

Update for 3-7-13 through 3-11-13

Thursday 3-7-13: Concept map for written response #15; summary; study guide
Friday 3-8-13: Study guide review; Jeopardy review
Monday 3-11-13: Everything due; Chapter 19 Test
  • Compass Tang review
  • Written Response #15
  • Chapter 19 Notes
  • Warm ups (3)
  • Study guide
  • Definitions
  • Summary
  • Chapter 19 Test

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Summary Terms for Chapter 19

  • Business
  • Agriculture
  • Cotton gin
  • Slavery
  • Transportation
  • Rigid social class system
  • Cities
  • Immigrants

Warm Up for 3-6-13

1. Which two inventions led to more efficient water-travel? (pg 260)

2. What had become the biggest business in the North by the 1840's? (pg 260)

3. What was the major mode of transportation in the South? (pg 261)

4. Who dominated politics and the economy in the South? (pg 264)

Warm Up for 3-5-13

1. Why had cotton not been considered a cash crop before 1793? (pg 253)

2. What was the diverse geography of the North suited for? (pg 254)

3. What happened to slavery by 1790? (pg 256)

4. What affect did the cotton gin have on slavery? (pg 256)

Definitions for Chapter 19

  • Deforestation
  • Agrarian
  • Plantation
  • Cotton gin
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Industrialist
  • Immigrant

Chapter 19 Notes (19.5-19.9)

Chapter 19 Notes (19.6-19.10) by buddylembeck

Chapter 19 Notes (19.1-19.4)

Chapter 19 Notes (19.1-19.5) by buddylembeck

Friday, March 1, 2013

Warm Up for 2-26-13

1. Describe the 3/5ths Compromise. (pg 112)

2. Describe the events that started the Mexican-American War. (pg 206)

3. What did the United States capture that resulted in the end of the war? (pg 207-208)

4. What were the terms of the treaty that ended the war? (pg 208)

Warm Up for 2-25-13

1. Describe the compromise Britain and the United States reached regarding the Oregon Territory. (pg 205)

2. Which two things resulted in war with Mexico? (pg 206)

3. Why did the United States purchase a strip of land south of the Mexican Cession area? (pg 208)

Warm Up for 2-21-13

1. Why was the United States interested in the Louisiana Territory? (pg 198)

2. What should the United States do to acquire Florida?
  A. Declare war on Spain immediately.
  B. Issue a stern warning to Spain demanding that they cede Florida or risk going to war with the United States.
  C. Negotiate a purchase price for Florida.
  D. Apologize to Spain and wait for the right time to purchase Florida when the price is right.